
Bonnamour et al. 2014

Bonnamour et al. 2014 : G. BONNAMOUR, A. ARLES et R. BONNAMOUR, "Know-How of miners from Lyonnais and Beaujolais : from the notebook to the notebook to the photogrammetry, the study of fire setting and poll-pick techniques in Joux (Rhône, France). Research and preservation of ancient mining areas. Oth International symposium on archeological Mining History of Trento (Italy), yearbook of the Institute Europa Subterranea, juin 2014, p. 218-237.

Type d'ouvrage :

- Moyen Age
- Ancien Régime

Informations :

Date de saisie : 21 mai 2017
Date de mise à jour : 21 mai 2017

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